Sunday 10 November 2013


I do like using plane. A plane is comfortable because there are a lot of services for passengers. We can have many kind of drinks, hot foods, snacks, and so on. We can sleep in the plane while in flight. Plane is the fastest way to travel to somewhere. In addition, plane is only one way to travel to foreign countries quickly. Any way, we can fly on the sky ! It's awesome thing, isn't it ? But plane is a little expensive to ride. If you travel within a country, I think train is better way! Because train station ought not to far way than airport. Also, trains are cheaper than plane, and they run more often than planes. For these reasons, which is the best is up to your trip plan and money.

File:Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-890 N579AS.jpg

File:JR Central Shinkansen 700.jpgThe shinkansen :

Tuesday 5 November 2013

I Wish No Crime

I've heard that Japan is one of safest counties in the world. Actually, I think ''No.'' When I was in Japan, I was hearing news about crime from terrible things to small things on TV everyday. Quite everyday...! It's so sad thing. But I think that crime is inseparable with anywhere. Don't you think so? As a result, we have to be careful anywhere. We have to protect by our self. There is no completely safe countries! If you don't want to be victim, don't walk alone in the night. Don't wear too expensive clothes, bag, accessory, and watch. Or you need put guard mans around you. hahahaha

Sunday 3 November 2013

My favourite movie is this!

My favourite movie is ''Les Miserables.'' I watched this movie in the theatre, and I was shocked, but deeply moved by this movie. This movie is about French historical story from the musical and became a big hit all over the world. There are famous actors in the movie, Anne Hatthaway, Hugh Jackman, and Amanda Seyfried. Every song is beautiful and amazing. At the beginning of this movie, the story was sadly, hopeless, and unhappy. There are a lot of scenes which makes tears welled up in my eyes. Actually, I cried, but this movie has a happy ending! The end of this movie made me happiness! If you've never watched this movie, you should watch! I recomend you '' Les Miserables.''!