Tuesday 15 October 2013

My Favorite season in Japan

          We have four seasons in Japan. Spring which start of the new terms, summer which has very hot weather, fall which has a little cold weather and lot of food in season, winter which has very cold weather. My favorite season is the spring! Because we can see beautiful cherry blossoms! I also like spring weather, so, we often held ''Hanami" under the cherry blossoms. "Hanami" is having lunch or dinner and drinking with family, friends, workmate under the cherry blossoms. Have you seen the cherry blossom? If you haven't, I recommend you to see that!

1 comment:

  1. I thought summer in Japan could be too hot (especially in Kansai!), but spring was always a great time of year. It was very relaxing to sit under the cherry trees and watch the blossoms.

    We have four seasons in Japan: spring, which is a season of rebirth; summer, which has very hot weather; fall, which has slightly cold weather; and winter, which has very cold weather.
